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Black Diamond


LRS projects go through a lot of thought and care before and after filming when it comes to story creating, story telling and creating a truly immersive experience. As people with no cars, no jobs and school taking up most of our lives, we don't have much time for filming. But I guarantee you we put many restless nights putting together these locations and editing. The entire process puts a permanent smile on the crews faces. 

Tale of the Frog

One night, a monster (human) attacked Frog Ninja's home and killed his family. From the pain and sadness, he went out on a journey to seek revenge on the man. So, he became the ultimate samurai. But what he didn't know is that his journey would be a long one, and he would uncover the horrible secrets of the world and his past.


Ballad of Curses

Ballad of Curses Was the first ever production by LRS, though only a trailer was ever made for it with no movie to follow. LRS is reviving the failed film and remastering to be the first horror movie by LRS. Also being the first full length movie by LRS.


The History Series

Because we at LilyRock Shorts strive to try to dip our toes in each genre of film, we decided to start our own action adventure series, guaranteed to keep you waiting for a thrilling finale!

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